1. Add in granted onion, shiitake mushrooms, cooked salmon, green bean, pasta for two people, 480 c.c of vegetable broth, one teaspoon butter, and 50 c.c. whipping cream in to the brasier pan.
2. Put the pot lid on, simmer over low heat for 5 minutes, then remove the lid and give the dish a good stir, and check if the pasta has softened. Once the pasta has softened, continue reducing the sauce with the lid off. Mix in parmesan cheese and add half a teaspoon of salt to taste. The pasta is ready to be served.
在外忙了一天的先生回家前,打了個電話。先是絮絮叨叨地講了學校裡遇見的大小事,掛電話前講了說還沒吃中餐,小廚房原已關火的我,手刀前往冰箱看看能在十分鐘內變出甚麼東西來。 變了一碗烏龍麵,小湯鍋裡先煮開水,加入適量的柴魚醬油湯底,切些豆皮、蔬菜天婦羅、蔥花進去,待鍋內湯滾後,加入烏龍麵以及前天吃剩烤雞撕下來的雞胸肉,起鍋前加點香油,上桌。看他邊看漫畫邊吃麵,估計味道還可以,帶著太太一塊兒陪讀,應該還不賴吧XD。