超簡單日式燉煮蔬菜 Japanese cream vegetable stew

DSC09334偷懶做簡單菜,原因是因為昨天喝了一杯blue bottle的咖啡後,整晚輾轉難眠,失眠加淺眠攻擊,今天精神很不好。精神很不好就來一道簡單的大鍋菜吧,一鍋到底解決今天的午餐與晚餐:)





1.cut meat, onion, carrot and potato into bite-size pieces
2.heat a pan, cook meat and onion until onions are browned
3.add water and bring to a boil. When potatoes are cooked through, remove the pan from heat.
4.break cream stew sauce mix and put into mixture until those sauce mix are melted, add 50 c.c. heavy cream.
5. done, serve when the stew is hot.  日式燉菜