健康早午餐提案-酪梨貝果Guacamole bagels



DSC08919Having brunch with your beloved family and friends during weekend after a week of hard work can be therapeutic. But are you bored of typical brunch recipes like omelette, eggs Benedict or pancake?

I am going to start sharing my healthy brunch idea from this week. Today, I would like to recommend guacamole bagels to you. You can purchase ready-made bagels, slice them into halves and freeze them. When ready to eat, toast the bagels to your liking, then spread the guacamole made with fresh ripe avocado over the bagels, top with pan-fried mushrooms. There you go, a healthy and delicious dish. Also known as “butter fruit”, avocado has smooth texture, you just can’t get enough of it. But watch your portion size because guacamole is a calorie-dense food~

1. mix avocado, granted onion, granted garlic, 1 teaspoon olive oil, 1 teaspoon lemon juice, half teaspoon salt and black pepper well. it is ready to serve.
